Diego De Brasi

Diego De Brasi
  • University of Marburg
  • Assistant Professor
  • Residential Fellow (2015-2016)
  • "The Relation of Body, Mind and Soul in Lactantius’ De opificio Dei, Gregory of Nyssa’s De hominis opificio and Nemesios of Emesa’s De natura hominis"

Diego De Brasi is Assistant Professor of Classical Philology / Greek at the University of Marburg and specializes in Ancient Philosophy. His scholarship focuses on ancient biology (especially during the Roman Empire), Plato’s political thought and the poetics of philosophical dialogue, Philo of Alexandria, late antique Christian anthropology and the interpretation of Platonic dialogues by modern and contemporary philosophers.
He is the author of L’immagine di Sparta nei dialoghi platonici: il giudizio di un filosofo su una (presunta) pólis modello (2013) and has edited with Hartwin Brandt, Anika M. Auer, Johannes Brehm and Lina K. Hörl Genus und generatio: Rollenerwartungen und Rollenerfüllungen im Spannungsfeld der Geschlechter und Generationen in Antike und Mittelalter (2012) and with Sabine Föllinger Anthropologie in Antike und Gegenwart: Biologische und philosophische Entwürfe vom Menschen (2015). He is the author of scholarly articles on Plato, Christian Anthropology in the 4th century AD and Judaic-Hellenistic Literature and is the editor, together with Marko J. Fuchs, of Sophistes: Plato’s Dialogue and Heidegger’s Lectures in Marburg (1924-25).
Professor De Brasi’s research has been supported by a doctoral fellowship from the Elite Network of Bavaria and grants from the German Academic Exchange Service and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. His doctoral dissertation won the prize as best dissertation of the academic year 2010-2011 at the University of Bamberg. He has been Fellow of the Hardt Foundation in Geneva. Diego De Brasi's research at NDIAS was supported in part by a Humboldt post-doctoral fellowship, under the umbrella of the Feodor Lynen program and supervised by Dr. Gretchen Reydams-Schils. During his stay at the University of Notre Dame, he was also be affiliated with the Notre Dame Workshop on Ancient Philosophy. In 2015 he was awarded the William Calder III Fellowship in Classics from the American Friends of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.
